Who can apply for online account processing?
Can a minor/ foreign national / joint applicant open account online?
How long will it take to complete online account request/ online application?
- Liquid error: 822: unexpected token at '{ "url": "/support/solutions/articles/35000136563-is-it-necessary-to-fill-up-any-form-for-availing-insurance-coverage-at-the-time-of-account-opening-", "class": "d-flex", "content": "<div class='pe-8'><span class='icon-article'></span></div><div class='line-clamp-2'>Is it necessary to fill up any Form for availing insurance coverage at the time of account opening?</div>" } '
1 . Are medicine bills covered in case of OPD treatment?
2. What are the additional documents required to be filled by the customers at the time of account opening/scheme transfer in order to be eligible to get insurance coverage?